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Burlington Shebang

Check in Notes

December 13, 2015

Sunday check in – Thoughts on the Saturday Session:

Liz: loved working with the drums. It was something where we all had input and everyone was so happy to be doing it.

Trevor: Passing the comet is a highlight. Perfect that it is called the ‘comet’ because it seems to have its own velocity which it draws from us subconsciously, like a Ouija board.

Andrea: touched on a possible theme for the culminating performance

Bridget: ‘I’m an inner storm outer still person’ and the experience with the drums really opened her up

Shannon: yesterday was hard. On the same wavelength – but the wave is moving, re-motivating.

Liz: passing the crystal was magical

Lisa E: told son that something wonderful was about to happen and walked in to everyone going crazy over the drums – all expectations (they were none) exceeded

Suzanne: years since she had the chance to engaged as a trained theatre artist. Love the vernacular that is familiar and that isn’t.

Check In after Tune In

Lisa E: the idea of the membrane is appealing. Full of energy.

Liz: the space within the circle has personality; is an entity onto itself now

Shannon: the crystal’s presence is grounding

Trevor: Navigating the inner orientation and the outer life is always a tension for me. I resent the moment of opening the eyes. This process does it so gently so as to allow me to renegotiate this position.

Bridget: deeply appreciates the softness of the tune in beside the loudness of life/rock ’n’ roll. A needed balance

Lisa P: healing

Suzanne : gets energy from centering. Accepting coughs; whatever happens

Andrea: we are practising moving into the unknown

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