About Us
General Vision Statement
The Ontario Shebang is a multi year, inter-arts, inter-cultural journey into a process for participants to be supported in a space for creative discoveries, expanded perceptions, ideas and possibilities.
TOS creates a legacy of new and deepened connections, and the capacity to collaborate successfully across differences in perspectives, training, orientation, and practices., Taking place in 4 Ontario communities (Kingston, Guelph, Burlington, St. Catharines) The Ontario Shebang has been developed and presented by Dreamwalker Dance Company and led by instigator Andrea Nann, with multiyear public support from the Ontario Trillium Foundation and Ontario Arts Council – Ontario Dances with project support from Canada Council for the Arts, host city presenting organizations, arts organizations and community groups.
The Shebang Process
The Shebang Process is a dynamic practice for diverse people to come together to co-inspire trust, consciousness, and connectivity. At the heart of the process is a practice that I call The Conscious Body, discovering the body as the instrument through which we open new avenues of perception and awareness, widen our imagination, and realize new ways to communicate and BE together. With this body, we can explore how our experiences and ideas can inter-relate with authenticity; this becomes the basis of the event we create together, which can include performance, installations, interventions and interactions with the public.